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Primary Care Providers in Rhode Island
SHAPE® lists size-inclusive medical providers, doctors, surgeons, and other health professionals who understand the value of size-diversity and the effects of diet-culture & weight stigma on a body, mind, and spirit to join our resource collective.
SIze-Inclusive Health Care - Thundermist Health Care
Primary Care Providers (PCP)
To schedule an appointment with a size-inclusive PCP call 401-767-4100 and request a "Size-Inclusive Health PCP."
The Size-Inclusive Health Care Team focuses on the health and wellness of people of all sizes. They understand and address the impact weight stigma has on a person's physical and mental health. The Size-Inclusive Health Team provides high-quality patient-centered compassionate health care that values each person’s lived experience. Together, patients and providers will move away from weight as a measure of health and towards body acceptance, all while creating new goals to enhance the health of any body size, shape, or weight. To learn more about Size-Inclusive Health Care please visit Thundermist's Size-inclusive Health Care
For questions (other than scheduling) about Size-inclusive Health Care, click here to contact Size-inclusive Health Care Director To schedule an appointment with a size-inclusive PCP call 401-767-4100 and request a "Size-Inclusive Health PCP."
*Weight-stigma is the negative attitudes, actions, and assumptions about a person’s weight, shape, or size and can impact their mental, social, and physical health. it is often described as weight bias, weight discrimination, weight-based bullying or teasing, body shaming, fat shaming, obesity bias, anti-fat, and more.
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