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People moving
size-inclusion forward*

SHAPE Center RI® honors and respects all forms action, activism, and social justice work critical to move towards fat acceptance, body liberation, and body affirmation for every body size and identity.  This is just a small sampling that includes researchers, activists, advocates, social commentators, health providers, rebels, and scientists that are moving size-inclusive work forward. 



Author, Physician, Advocate


Speaker, Writer, Dancer, Marathoner, ACE Certified Health Coach and Functional Fitness Specialist

Erin Harrop.JPG

Professor, Speaker, Weight Stigma & Eating Disorder Researcher


Fat Liberationist Writer, Creator, Educator, and Doctoral Student


Poet, Activist, Author, & Leader

Joy Cox.JPG

Author, Researcher, Speaker

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Author, Activist, Lecturer,  experts on weight-based discrimination and body image

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Author, Professor, Researcher


Author, Medical Doctor, Lecturer,  Founder of Guadiani Clinic


Black, Fat, Queer, trans theorist and abolitionist

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Liberationist, Nutritionist, Speaker, and Dietician


Weight Stigma Researcher, Professor, Psychologist

Aubrey Gordon.JPG

Fat Lady About Town

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Founders of Be Nourished® and Body Trust®

© 2022 by SHAPEcenterRI.


*Disclaimer: The material or information on this website and any other SHAPE Center RI® space is for informational purposes only and should not be used to make business, legal,  health, or any other decision.  SHAPE Center RI does not provide medical advice, nor is this information intended to replace medical advice from a healthcare professional.  It is up to the individual who uses any information found on SHAPE Center RI to ensure it meets their needs, including safety, health, and occupational.  SHAPE Center RI in not responsible for and does not represent the views, opinions, affiliations, business practices, policies, etc. of any person or entity listed and vice versa.  SHAPE Center RI is a free resource list.  SHAPE stands for Size-Inclusive Health, Advocacy, Practice, and Education.

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