Huffington Post
For decades, the medical community has ignored mountains of evidence to wage a cruel and futile war on fat people, poisoning public perception and ruining millions of lives.
It’s time for a new paradigm.
U.S. News & World Report
New studies being presented at this year's European Congress on Obesity in Vienna found instances in which overweight and obese people fare better than patients who are a healthy weight. The studies have dubbed this inverse – and unexpected – relationship "the obesity paradox."
Huffington Post
There is a growing population of women who have been empowered to ditch diet culture - caloric restriction for the pursuit of weight loss (and the shame and guilt that come along with all diet rules) - and instead, practice Intuitive Eating, mindfulness, and Health At Every Size®, and truly care for their bodies in a kinder way. There is an alternative way to pursue a healthy lifestyle using the following HAES® principles....
NY Times
Part of the problem, both patients and doctors say, is a reluctance to look beyond a fat person’s weight. Patty Nece, 58, of Alexandria, Va., went to an orthopedist because her hip was aching. She had lost nearly 70 pounds and, although she still had a way to go, was feeling good about herself. Until she saw the doctor.
The Oracle- USF Student Newspaper
As ancient Greek physician and author of the Hippocratic oath — the pledge taken by physicians and health care professionals — Hippocrates wrote, “the physician must ... have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm,” the guiding principle in this medical code of ethics is non-malfeasance: do no harm. However, many health care professionals fall short of this saying when treating patients considered to be overweight or obese.
Abolute Advantage: The workplace Wellness Magazine
Helping without Harming: Kids, Eating, Weight, and Health
Specifically, the purpose of this issue of Absolute Advantage is to 1.) critically examine the premises on which the present childhood obesity crisis is built; 2.) document the lack of efficacy and dangers of current approaches; and 3.) present alternative approaches for parents, teachers, and communities that will provide help for our children without harming them.
The Washington Post
“The single most important factor that needs to change is the systemic bias against higher-weight people,” Kuk says.
Chastain adds: “While it is not an obligation for anyone at any size to have to engage in physical activity, it’s important progress to create spaces that welcome those who do for everyone’s physical and mental health.”
Huffington Post
Contrary to popular opinion, I can be fat and healthy if I want to be. I can also be fat and unhealthy. Fat people have existed as long as humans have existed, so get used to us. We’re not going to go and hide just because a bunch of people who have a lot of time to waste on a computer are creating hate sights dedicated to making fun of our fat body. I’ve been fat for over 30 years.
Huffington Post
There is a community of body-positive activists within Instagram and Tumblr working to alter the definition of what society has deemed beautiful all whilst spreading messages of self-love and calling themselves fat.
So, with this in mind, we decided to eight of these bloggers why they originally reclaimed the word and how it has since changed their views of their bodies.